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HTML Email Guide
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Peter Banos
An excellent referral source

An excellent referral source, focusing on essential issues required for successful email campaigns. I can imagine the time that would be required to learn about these pitfalls through the school of hard knocks. It was with trepidation that I chose G-Lock over other email program providers, since everyone claims to be the best and most complete. I'm pleased with the decision and happy to report that my first efforts were successful. That certainly relieved the anxiety!

Spam Testing for Marketers

GlockApps Spam Testing

Reach the inbox every time.

Improve your delivery rates

Improve your deliverability by scanning your emails through all the major spam filters before you send.

Get actionable tips

Receive a spam score as well as actionable tips for improving your delivery rates for every email send.

Increase your revenue

Improve your overall email performance by ensuring more emails are getting through to your subscribers.

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