Signups since Last Campaign

Do you get lots of new subscribers after each email campaign? Nice! That could mean your content is actually useful and your wonderful recipients are forwarding your emails on to friends. Don’t see any list growth at all? Make the content more interesting!

Try experimenting with:

  • Place some text near the top of your email, that says, "feel free to forward this to a friend".
  • Place a "view this email in your browser" link at the top of your email. It should point to an archived version of the newsletter on your website. Some people like to forward that link on to their friends.


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Spam Testing for Marketers

GlockApps Spam Testing

Reach the inbox every time.

Improve your delivery rates

Improve your deliverability by scanning your emails through all the major spam filters before you send.

Get actionable tips

Receive a spam score as well as actionable tips for improving your delivery rates for every email send.

Increase your revenue

Improve your overall email performance by ensuring more emails are getting through to your subscribers.

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