When You Should Send a Correction Email

So, you’ve just discovered (or anybody from your subscribers reported) you made a blunder – now what? After the embarrassment or panic is gone, you decide to send a follow-up message to correct the mistake. But first you need to think if sending a correction email is the appropriate action. Each situation is unique and depends on the mistake you made.

We recommend that you send a correction email if the first message:

  • Seriously misinforms the recipients (wrong event date, or wrong pricing information, or erroneous product information, etc.);
  • Contains invalid or incorrect links and does not allow people download a product or report or e-book; complete a form; access an article or product description, etc;
  • May ruin your company reputation and/or customer relationships, or is not consistent with all your subscribers;
  • Such goofs as typos, grammatical mistakes, incorrect images or images that don’t display, etc., are probably not so serious and don’t not require a correction email.

So, if you think that your mistake is serious, send the correction email as soon as possible. In some cases people may just open the correction email and delete the original one. But if the recipients have already read the first message, it’s reasonable to send a follow-up email while the content is still fresh in their minds.


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