True or False: 3 Email Delivery Delusions

You know there is often a lot of conflicting and confusing information concerning email delivery. There are so many “do’s” and “don’ts” and it’s often hard to understand what is true and what is false.

So, if you hear somebody telling you “Don’t use the word “free” in your message because it will be deleted as spam”, or “Don’t send emails on weekends because people don’t check their mail on a weekend”, or maybe somebody will tell you that the only sure way to improve your results is to build as large list as possible, don’t believe them until your own experience shows it doesn’t work for you. Once again, if it doesn’t work for someone, it doesn’t mean it won’t for you too. 

Let’s begin this chapter from dispelling a couple of common email marketing delusions. Note that we don’t want you to think that the below statements are fully wrong. We only want to cast doubt on them and let you know that they are not universal truths. While they may be absolutely true for somebody, your experience may be different.

#1. Don’t email on weekends
#2. Don’t use the word “free” in the message
#3. Bigger list, better results


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