How to Present URLs in HTML Email

It’s always a good idea to show as little code as possible in your email message. As the URL is basically computer code, you shouldn’t show the URL itself unless you have a specific reason to do so (if you send an email in the plain-text format).

Choose a nice anchor text (descriptive word or phrase) and hide the URL behind the anchor text.

Do this:

Here you can view and download our Free HTML Email Templates for your newsletters

Instead of this:

Here you can view and download our Free HTML Email Templates for your newsletters:

In a plain-text email this is different. You’ll have to type the entire URL in order to make it clickable.

If you send a multi-part message with both HTML and text parts, and you let your email-marketing software translate the link for the text version, it will render tracking URLs and long strings of characters that mean nothing to readers and might interfere with them reading your message. So, consider recoding those URLs to make them as short as possible, even if you have to sacrifice some metric analysis. This is especially important for mobile readers, because tracking links can take four to five lines on a small screen.


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