Tips for Generating Profits from the Signup Process
Something that most people don’t think of when setting up their opt-in forms is taking steps to generate profits during the actual signup process.
Here we’ll talk about the practices you can take advantage of when building your email list.
1. Put an offer or promotion on the “Thank You” page after people opt-in.
Many people have nothing but a “thank you” message on their thank you page. But the "Thank You" page is one of the places where you can put a small advertisement for one of your products, an affiliate product, and so on. Your "Thank You" page may say, “Thank you for signing up to our list and downloading our software trial, and now we would like to tell you about X”. The subscriber has already trusted you by opting in to your list and now it’s the best time to get them to take another action after they just requested some free information from you.
2. Place an offer or promotion in the confirmation email.
This is another method that people don’t take advantage of. People will read the confirmation email they get from you, so why not include an offer for your product, or for an affiliate product, or a link to page of recommended resources? You are spending time to create and send these emails, so do what you can to monetize these emails with related offers.
3. Place an offer or promotion on the “unsubscribe” page and/or in the email confirming the unsubscribe action.
This practice is hardly used by anyone in email marketing. When someone decided to unsubscribe from your list, often times, you can persuade them to get back on your list, you can direct them to a related resource that might be a better fit for them. Sometimes people can change their mind at the moment they are unsubscribing, so you’ll just want to ask them to re-subscribe, which will get them back on your list, allowing you continue promoting to them.
Here’s an example of the message you can place on your unsubscribe page or confirmation email
You’ve been unsubscribed from our list. We’re sorry to see you go, but we thought we would let you know about this resource that you might enjoy instead…
This message would then link to an affiliate product, service, or some other related resource that would allow you make money when they jump off your list.
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