Building List Begins with Permission

At present with millions of spam emails sent every day it’s important that you develop a permission-based email marketing program. Permission is an explicit consent from a future recipient to receive emails from you.

A permission-based email list produces higher delivery and conversion rates, generates more sales, and strengthens your customer relationships while enhancing your brand image in your marketing niche.

People can express their permission either in the form of a reply to an email, or by taking an action (filling the subscription form in) on your website.

What is acceptable:

  • collect email addresses from people who opted in and confirmed their wish to receive emails;
  • collect email addresses of recipients who have granted a prior consent to receive emails from third parties.

What is unacceptable:

  • harvesting email addresses on the Internet (illegal under the Can-Spam Act);
  • add unconfirmed email addresses (people who opted in but did not confirm their wish to receive emails from you);
  • purchase email lists without the consent of recipients;
  • use rented lists where recipients did not consent to receive email from third parties;
  • use email addresses from directories (those people have not granted their consent for inclusion in your list).


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Spam Testing for Marketers

GlockApps Spam Testing

Reach the inbox every time.

Improve your delivery rates

Improve your deliverability by scanning your emails through all the major spam filters before you send.

Get actionable tips

Receive a spam score as well as actionable tips for improving your delivery rates for every email send.

Increase your revenue

Improve your overall email performance by ensuring more emails are getting through to your subscribers.

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