6 Aspects of Email Marketing

Written by admin. Posted in Blog

Email marketing is a method that needs to be carefully planned. Although it could become effective, it could easily turn into a spamming nightmare that could get your IP address blacklisted from sending any email at all. However, with proper planning, email marketing could become effective and safe if you plan your strategy correctly.

  1. Email Lists – There are hundreds of companies who make money by selling lists of addresses for those interested in email marketing. Most of these companies will use bots to crawl the internet to collect every email address possible. However, marketing with these lists could be less than ideal for these are unsolicited and most will be deleted or filtered.
  2. Opt-In Methods – As opposed to the previous method, those who opt into email lists are interested in the content. Sometimes, these users are called “subscribers” and can opt-out at any time. Again, hundreds of companies can help you gather opted email addresses for you to use.
  3. Effective – As long as you can stay away from the penalties of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, email marketing can be very effective. It is a way to reach a vast number of individuals in a very short amount of time.
  4. Aftermarket – After a customer has interacted with your business, this could be used to your advantage for future advertising. As in eCommerce websites, many customers will continue to receive updates and new product information, which could lead to additional future sales.
  5. Cost Effective – Depending on the method you use, the cost of email marketing could be as little as nothing up to the cost of an email list. Although sending emails en mass could eat bandwidth and possibly flag a firewall or two, it doesn’t cost anything to click “Send” – unless you pay for bandwidth every month.
  6. Growing Popularity – Marketing through email has continued to grow despite the abuse some have initiated with it. Most advertising agency will employ email marketing programs with search engine marketing services to assist with increasing business. For the most part, these advertisers have honorable methods of distributing emails and could be well worth the investment.

Your intentions of advertising could be harmless enough to where unsolicited individuals simply delete the message without causing trouble for your business. Use a carefully planned method to conduct your email marketing and it could pay off. It could be a cost effective way to spread information regarding your business to thousands of people who are interested in the content.

Author Bio

Nancy Parker was a professional nanny and she loves to write about wide range of subjects like health, Parenting, Child Care, Babysitting, nanny, www.enannysource.com/ etc. You can reach her @ nancy.parker015 @ gmail.com.


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