Finding the Optimal Message Width

Now when you’re familiar with the common HTML components and know how they are handled by the most popular email clients and web-based services, you can start with composing your email newsletter.

In this chapter we’ll give you some tips and advices how to optimize your email message and how to create a good, healthy email newsletter that would produce high delivery results and draw the recipient’s attention among hundreds of other emails flooding their inboxes every day.

Most people read many emails every day. So, your purpose is to compose your email message so that it is not boring or fatiguing to read. The last thing that your recipient wants to do is scrolling his eyes from one side of the screen to the other. No matter how good your content is, if it is fatiguing to read, it risks to be abandoned after a few lines.

The optimum width of the line is around 65 characters. You just type 65 symbols, for example asterisks or dashes, across the top and then measure your text returns against this. MS Outlook Express, NoteTab and some other email programs allow you set the line wrap to any character width you require. So, you don’t have to hit enter every time you think you need to.


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